Friday, 31 August 2012

Smurfs Hide & Seek with Brainy

Smurfs Hide & Seek with Brainy is the newly released app from iStoryTime and Zuuka. Be prepared to become addicted within minutes. It is available for both the iPhone and the iPad. Requires iOS 4.3 or later and is optimised for the Retina display in the new iPad. 

 Smurfs Hide & Seek brings together all our favourite little blue characters in a series of puzzle pictures that will keep any user engrossed for hours.  My son and I literally spent hours trying out this app. It is one of those apps that once you start  you can't put it down until you have finished the scene.

The app consists of 12 different scenes and more than 280 hidden objects for you to find.  You will find yourself looking sideways at the iPad and turning it every way possible whilst looking for the hidden objects. We even set ourselves a time limit to add a bit more fun to the challenge.

Each scene follows a different theme. The first one is the big Spring Clean. You will find as you progress through the scenes that each one becomes a little bit trickier to complete. In each scene you are given a series of objects to find. You can search for them in any order you like. It doesn't matter which object/s  you find first. In order to advance on to the next scene you need to find all the current ones.

The second scene The Masked Ball kept myself and my son engrossed for ages. We were howling with laughter as the smurfs are so cleverly disguised in this scene you never know which one you will tap on next. I have to say it is probably my favourite level.

You are given the option to use a 'cheat' feature. However this can only be used 3 times per scene. Each time you select the cheat option a little star appears over the object you are looking for, but only for a few seconds. Make sure you don't use this option unless you really have to as you might find that if you use the cheat too early , you are unable to find the more cleverly disguised items later on.

The developer has added in a zoom in option, so you can see every image in the tiniest detail. This is very useful,  especially when searching for smaller items. 

At the end of each page is a little menu that you can drag across the screen. From here you can access the cheat function, scroll back to the previous screen or forward to the next one. You can also reset the game from the very beginning or just reset the current scene. Also in the bottom right corner you will find a little circle which has an image of the item/s you need to find. Tapping on the arrows in the circle will change the task to be completed. 

If you are a fan of the Smurfs then you do not want to miss out on this app. Even if you don't like our funny little blue friends, but enjoy puzzle type apps then check this one out. It is ideal for enhancing your observation skills and patience also. You must be prepared to spend a bit of time at the tasks. Don't expect to find them all at once.  I thoroughly enjoyed this app and can see myself coming back to it time and time again. Zuuka and iStoryTime never fail to impress me with their apps. 

If you would like to purchase the app now please do by clicking on this link iTunes . It is currently priced at $2.99 in the US iTunes Store. 

To learn more about iStoryTime please visit their Facebook page or their website. 

The Monsters Family Review and Giveaway

The Monsters Family, from iMagine machine, is a universal educational games app filled with 6 interactive activities for your young child to enjoy. It is ideally aimed at ages 2 - 5 . It is compatible with the iPod, iPhone and iPad. The app requires iOS 3.0 or later. 

The Monster Family is made up of Mom , Dad,  Ella,  Elliot and their dog Scrumpy.

Each Monster Family member  will help the user to play a selection of educational games, whilst having fun at the same time. 

On the main screen you are shown a snap shot of each family member and can click on which ever one you like . 

The first activity we did was Colours. Ella showed us a a picture of various objects and asked us to find all the objects that were Purple. This activity helps teach your preschooler to identify different colours and the names of the colours. 

Ella also helped us play Spot the Difference. My daughter loved this one and howled with laughter when a teapot was shown amongst 3 piggy banks. This was a fun exercise and a great way of teaching differentiation . One of the features I love about this app is that when the user gets an item right there is immediate praise from the Monster in the picture. When an incorrect object is chosen there is a simple statement along the lines of "don't worry....try again". It helps to give positive reinforcement to the user and doesn't destroy confidence when they make a mistake. 

The final activity we completed using the girl monster Ella was the Silhouettes. Here the user has to help the monster match the shapes shown to the correct silhouettes. This activity is great for concentration, perception and teaching spatial understanding. 

At the top right of each picture frame is a little photo of the Monsters Family. Click on this to bring you back to the home screen at any time. When I clicked on the image for Dad we were taken to the kitchen of the Monster household where we played a  Counting game. Here you get to count different objects that the monster likes. This particular activity is a handy way of teaching counting and number recognition. 

Elliot the monster took us out into the Monster Family's garden where he played a Word game . This activity may be slightly harder for younger users who are not yet able to read. However, in saying that, it is still an excellent way of teaching word recognition and matching an object with the written word. 

The final activity in the game is Matching. We tried this out using both Ella and Mom Monster. the object of the game is to match up different items into pairs and help the Monsters tidy up their rooms. Matching is ideal for those who like memory games. It helps improve your child's memory and observation skills. 

When you have successfully completed tasks  you are taken to another screen and shown a variety of objects to choose from. You can pick one item each time and add it to the shelves behind to help decorate your own 'room'.

The Monsters Family is a lovely little app that can be used for teaching a variety of educational activities. My own children loved this app and found great enjoyment from the rewards and positive reinforcement that the app offers. It will keep your child engaged in the activities for long periods of time.

We have 2 copies of the app to giveaway. Enter via our Rafflecopter at the end of this page.

If you would like to purchase The Monsters Family now please do so by clicking on this link iTunes . It is currently priced at $1.99 in the US iTunes store.

To find out more about this app and others from iMagine machine please check out their   Facebook page  and their website  for more information.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Splash Math Grade 4 worksheets

Description: With this app we move from the ocean into ... space!!

The worksheets in Splash Math Grade 4 are fun and innovative ways for kids to practice and reinforce math skills. With 12 chapters covering over 140 math skills and an endless supply of problems, this app is by far the most comprehensive math workbook in the app store.


  • Interactive Content - Children drag and drop shapes, pop bubbles, rotate clock hands and more to solve problems. The user interface is simple and clear with lots of pictures so that problem solving is fun.
  • Assign Homework - Splash Math allows parents to assign specific worksheets to their kid and track their performance in those worksheets.
  • Personalized Learning - Each topic starts with easy questions and based on the child's progress the difficulty level of the problems is increased.
  • Weekly Email Reports - You can track your child's progress reports by our awesome weekly email reporting feature. Parents love it.
  • Scratch Pad for Rough Work - Child can use a scratch pad for all his or her rough work.
    Watch a video of the app in action

    Read a review of this app from Best Apps for Kids


    • WINNER of "Best Elementary Student App" (2011), by
    • Featured in Apple's "Staff Favorite"
    • Featured in New and Noteworthy

    Price: $9.99 (iPad)

    a Rafflecopter giveaway

    Thursday, 30 August 2012

    Splash Math - Grade 3 worksheets

    Description: Do you need an entire Grade 3 math curriculum in one app? Then you need Splash Math! The worksheets in this app are fun and innovative ways for kids to practice and reinforce math skills. With 16 chapters covering over 200 math skills and an endless supply of problems, this app is by far the most comprehensive math workbook in the app store.


    • Interactive Content - Children drag and drop shapes, pop bubbles, rotate clock hands and more to solve problems. The user interface is simple and clear with lots of pictures so that problem solving is fun.
    • Personalized Learning - Each topic starts with easy level and based on the child's progress, the medium and hard levels are gradually unlocked. The practice mode can be used to focus on problem areas.
    • Fun Games - Take a break between sessions and enjoy playing with fun creatures in the aquarium. Earn new ones such as angel fish, clown fish, squid, crabs as you earn more points. The more you practice the more prizes you earn!
    • Weekly Email Reports - You can track your child's progress reports by our awesome weekly email reporting feature. Parents love it.
    • Scratch Pad for Rough Work - Child can use a scratch pad for all his rough work.
      Watch a video of the app in action

      Read a review of this app from iGame Mom

      iGameMom – “This is the only math App I found that links to the standard curriculum. It can save the parents so much time and money in trying to find out if it fits the child’s need. It is also the most thorough and comprehensive math app I’ve ever seen."


      • WINNER of "Best Elementary Student App" (2011), by
      • Featured in Apple's "Staff Favorite"
      • Featured in New and Noteworthy

      Price: $9.99 (iPad), $4.99 (iPhone)

      a Rafflecopter giveaway

      GazziliPuzzles Giveaway

      • Category: Education
      • Updated: 24 August 2012
      • Version: 1.0.3
      • Size: 101 MB
      • Language: English
      • Seller: GazziliWorld LLC
      Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch and iPad.Requires iOS 3.1 or later.


      ‘GazziliPuzzles is the new generation of Jigsaw Puzzles! Put the puzzles together—then watch them come to life!’

      ‘GazziliPuzzles ‘dual-curriculum’ approach introduces children not only to important subject matter, but to technology they’ll be using as part of their education for years to come!’

      ‘GazziliPuzzles for iPad, iPhone, and iTouch is brought to you with iOS 5 functionality like AirPlay Mirroring!’

      A child activates the first GazziliPuzzle on the Home Screen, and they are taken away on a Puzzle-Perfect adventure!

      Colors & artwork. Music & sounds. Friendly, hands-on activities. GazziliPuzzles is a multi-sensory learning experience!
      Early childhood experts from New York City’s The Dalton School helped develop GazziliPuzzles to ensure its educational value. 


      • 6 engaging, exciting jigsaw puzzles that get progressively more challenging. Each one comes to life…and each one reveals another part of the GazziliFunPage!
      • Child interacts with the app and strengthens concentration, dexterity, and problem-solving skills!
      • ‘Hearing Impaired Mode’ included that adds all written words to the screen as they are spoken by either the narrator or characters!
      • Delightful interactive animations, music, sound-effects, and surprise features.
      • Improvement of hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills as children gain proficiency with tablet hardware.

      AppAbles Opinion:

      I just bought this app the other day to add to my GazziliWorld collection and this is just as wonderful as the others.  I like the idea, that I can buy an app and know it is the same, the same quality, the same fun characters, the same music and same uplifting feeling for your child - a wonderful diversion/distraction when needed, your child can start playing this app straight away with confidence and enjoyment.  Each puzzle has a faded image behind so your child can see where the piece goes.  Once each piece is in place - there is a click sound.   As each puzzle is completed along with the puzzle on the Fun Page, the next puzzle is unlocked.  I like that each puzzle gets harder, with lots of positive reinforcement, support with explanation.  I also like the hearing impaired choice in the options, great for those children with auditory problems and great for those who are starting to understand that 'written words' mean something.  I personally have hearing impaired 'on' all the time.   Is this app worth the $1.99,  absolutely.  Well done GazziliWorld

      a Rafflecopter giveaway

      Wednesday, 29 August 2012

      Math(s) Song: Times Tables 1x-6x HD

      • $1.99
      • Category: Education
      • Released: Jun 01, 2012
      • Version: 1.0
      • Size: 68.3 MB
      • Language: English
      • Seller: Cambridge English Online Ltd
      Requirements: Compatible with iPad.Requires iOS 5.0 or later.


      Memorize math and multiplication through music!

      Welcome to the most unique, rocking Times Tables apps series ever! Our 6 sing-along song videos plus 6 against-the-clock song games (for 1x to 6x) offer a unique, fun way to you help learn, practise and master the Times Tables. Simply sing along and enjoy! You’ll start to learn and perfect the times tables just by listening.

      Each song video has two parts. The first part teaches the times table; the second part helps practise counting up/on by that number – giving you two times table-focussed techniques in one song! Songs are created in partnership with (over 44 million YouTube song views and counting!). Even if you don’t like math they’ll have you tapping your toes to the times tables.

      Each song-game tests the player’s times table they learned in the songs, but don’t worry each game comes with help too, so you can keep on playing even if you are stuck. Plus, the app’s supported by lots of useful teaching ideas and tips.

      1st part to the Song
      This app helps develop essential number knowledge and multiplication facts through catchy song videos, each in a different style. Combined with school or home-based math strategy learning this app can play an important, fun part in math/numeracy development. Knowing math facts can provide a solid foundation for math success. These ‘big screen’ apps are designed to be used over time too; as your child starts to tackle new Times Tables, the app can support their development. Younger learners may want the 2, 5 and 10 times tables, while other more advanced learners may want the trickier ones.

      2nd part to the Song - counting up
      ***7x to 12x version of Math Songs: Times Tables also available.

      ‘Math Songs: Times Tables’ apps have been tested and reviewed by teaching professionals, parents and children and aims to support National Curriculum guidelines on teaching and learning numeracy/time tables/multiplication. Our own app user-testing & research showed increased retention and confidence in times tables. Plus a lots of fun singing along too!

      - 6 fun Time Tables song videos (1x-6x) in different song styles
      - Each song video teaches a times tables and counting up/on
      - 6 Times Table song quizzes (1x-6x) with timer plus Best Time function
      - In-game Help pages for quick reference – support is only a tap away
      - Great practise for learners of any age, young or old
      - Bring teaching and learning math/multiplication to life
      Game + Help in the game
      - Great for classroom teaching - ideal for making math more active
      - Great for self- study
      - Boosts mental calculation skills
      - Lots of helpful teaching tips

      AppAbles Opinion:
      Teaching Tips
      Children learn through songs and this is an app that makes learning the time tables fun.  Each one of the times tables songs is difference, what better way to help them learn.  There are 2 parts to the Song the Times Table itselfThe quizzes are great as your child has to listen to the sum being ask eg 1 x 1 is ? and there is no time limit.  The help screen is great if they forget, so they can be totally successful using it.  The added bonus of the teaching tips has some great suggestions

      iTunes Link for AUS/NZ/UK
      iTunes Link for the rest of the world
      Cambridge English You Tube Link
      Website Link
      Facebook Page Link

      Twitter Link

      Math Song 1x-6x HD (not for UK, AUS or NZ iTunes Store)
      a Rafflecopter giveaway

      Maths Song 1x-6x HD for UK, AUS or NZ
      a Rafflecopter giveaway

      Splash Math: Grade 2 worksheets by StudyPad

      Description: Want an entire math curriculum in one app? Then you want Splash Math - the worksheets in this app are fun and innovative ways for your kids to practice and reinforce math skills. With 13 chapters covering over 180 math skills and an endless supply of problems, this app is by far the most comprehensive math workbook in the app store.

      Maths Martians HD: Addition

      • $1.99
      • Category: Education
      • Updated: Jun 06, 2012
      • Version: 1.2
      • Size: 11.9 MB
      • Language: English
      • Seller: Cambridge English Online Ltd
      Requirements: Compatible with iPad.Requires iOS 5.0 or later.


      How fast can you solve the sums? Maths Martians is one of the most addictive addition teaching & learning iPad apps available, helping children to learn, practise and master addition while having lots of fun. With 12 beautifully-illustrated & animated levels (including +1, +2 Doubling, Doubling +1, and Mystery Numbers) this is a ‘big-screen’ app that can test, entertain and teach the whole family. It’s a great way to boost mental calculation skills.

      We’ve turned learning addition into a fun Martian bubble-popping game. Plus, it’s all against the clock. Tap through each set of twelve sums correctly and you’ll get enough energy from the cheeky Martians to help Spaceman Sam fly his rocket back to earth. If you fail to do it in time (60 seconds), he’ll be stuck on the red planet until you succeed.

      So, let our Maths Martians app give your child a head-start on their road to Maths success. Play with your child or play against them, however you play you’ll combine learning with fun. When it comes to taking the first fun steps towards successful numeracy/addition, we think it’s a hard app to beat.

      We know there are many different strategies to learning and teaching Maths, and this fun app can form one part of your approach. It is designed to be used over time; as your child’s Maths skills/knowledge improves, let them try new addition levels.

      It’s not just for kids! Test your children, learn with them, and most of all have fun, as you see how fast you can tap through the answers to the sums. Beat your own time, beat your friends’, and your family’s. Once you play, you’ll not want to stop.

      Help screen for +2
      Developed by online & mobile education specialists, Cambridge English Online Ltd, with 10 years’ experience creating fun online and mobile resources, Maths Martians has been tested and reviewed by teaching professionals and parents and aims to support National Curriculum guidelines on teaching and learning numeracy/addition.

      ***** The Maths Martians iPad app series is already getting great reviews on: Kids iPhone App Review, The iPhone Mom & the iPad Fan.

      - 12 different addition-focused levels including: +1; +2; +5; +10; Bigger Numbers +1; Doubling; Doubling Bigger Numbers; Doubles +1; Bigger Numbers +5; Bigger Numbers +10, and Mystery Numbers
      - Each level has 12 sums (of varying difficulty) to test you on
      - Each level has its own help page to practise the sums you are being tested on. Support is only a click away
      - Martians give feedback when wrong answers are tapped
      - 12 correct answers and 4 distractors for each level
      - Beautifully illustrated & animated Martian/space theme to help engage & entertain
      - Kids improve their addition/maths while playing.
      - Ideal for children starting to learn addition and those more advanced-it can even test older kids and their parents
      - Boosts mental calculation/problem solving skills
      - Ideal for helping to develop fine motor skills
      - Great for in classroom teaching
      - Makes Maths fun!

      Mystery Numbers
      AppAbles Opinion:
      What a fun and engaging Maths app for kids.  I love the Martian theme.  The early learning addition of +1, +2, +5, +10 - just great.  The Help Screen is an added bonus, if your child needs more practice.  Really cute 'a ah' if you don't quite get it right, and 'yeah' when you have finished and then the rocket takes off.  I like how the app takes you to the next step of addition, bigger numbers, but also mystery numbers - what number is missing in this equation.  They have thought of so much in putting this app together.  Another great app by Cambridge English Online.
      iTunes Link for Maths Martians HD: Addition
      iTunes Link for Maths Martians: Addition for the iPhone - currently 99c
      Cambridge English You Tube Link
      Website Link
      Facebook Page Link
      Twitter Link

      a Rafflecopter giveaway

      Tuesday, 28 August 2012

      Kids Word Find

      • Category: Games
      • Released: 01 November 2009
      • Version: 1.0
      • Size: 5.5 MB
      • Languages: English, Japanese, Maori, Spanish
      • Seller: KIWA International Ltd
      Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch and iPad.Requires iOS 2.2.1 or later.


      Kids Wordfind is a great hidden word puzzle game to keep children entertained.

      To play Kids Wordfind, select a wordlist from the options page and search for the hidden words by swiping with your finger or tap the first and last letter to reveal the word. When you identify a correct word, it is crossed off the list below the grid. Easy setting for new players and hard for older players.

      Beat the countdown clock and earn bonus points for the next level. The puzzles get harder with each new level, words start appearing in more directions and the time to complete them is reduced. Play again and beat your highest score.
      Cool music for each right word and music for completion of the puzzle.

      Shake your device to generate a new puzzle, word list and start again.

      - Difficulty Setting: Easy/Hard
      - Select from 100 basic words, 800 basic words, clothes, food, my body, sports, transport or random
      - Save/Continue Game
      - Save High Scores
      - Shake to restart

      a Rafflecopter giveaway

      Gilbert Gas Science Experiments and Phonics Review

      Gilbert Gas is a universal app that teaches children science and phonics in a fun and interactive capacity. It is the first app from the series released by the developer The Quirkles. The app is based on the book of the same name published by Creative 3 in the US.  It is written by Terri Johnson & Sherry Cook, and illustrated by Jesse Kuhn. It is available for the iPhone, iPod and iPad. It requires iOS4.0 or later. 

      Gilbert is one of 26 Quirkles who loves to experiment and has a vivid imagination. Gilbert Gas is a gleeful Quirkle who loves to have fun and help out all the other inhabitants of Quirksville.

       The app brings us on the journey of Gilbert Gas and his friend Gary Goat as they learn all about carbon dioxide.We see Gilbert and Gary having a regular day out like any other friends, which inevitably leads to some sort of mischief and natural curiosity. Gary Goat opens up a dropped bottle of gola which leads to a minor explosion of gola all over himself and his friend Gilbert. Gilbert teaches his friend Gary all about Carbon Dioxide and the way it is used in fizzy drinks and in plants to help make food.

       Phonics play a huge part in the Quirkle apps and stories. The phonics are reinforced time and again through alliteration, specifically the repetition of 'g' words. For example "He loves to play games, make glorious music with his guitar, and do good....".

       The Quirkles is a very clever way of teaching children scientific facts in a fun manner. The developer even added in a section detailing two experiments that are safe for children to try out for themselves at home. My son loved this and rummaged through the cabinets looking for the pieces required so he could pretend he was a Quirkle too. At the end of the experiment section we are given a more scientific explanation of things mentioned in the book like the quantities of the four gases that make up the air we breathe, including carbon dioxide.

       The home menu contains options for matching games, puzzles and colouring pages for your child to ensure hours of entertainment value. The matching puzzle option was a favourite of mine as I absolutely love these games. You have two options to choose form here, a 16 card game or a 32 card game. Each time you find a matching pair they stay face up for the user to see. Once all the cards are matched correctly the user is greeted with a five star picture and the phrase 'GREAT Job!'. This is a huge bonus for children with special needs in particular as many of our kids strive for reward and recognition of any achievements made. The matching game requires concentration and observation and also is a great way of increasing time spent on an activity. Once your child has mastered the 16 card level they can advance on to the 32 card level , thus increasing the time they spend on the task.

       Five different puzzles are presented for completion in the games mode. Each puzzle contains twelve pieces. There is no outline of the pieces drawn on the blank canvas once the puzzle pieces are moved to the side on beginning the task. However once the piece is placed in the right spot a musical note is played to alert the user. The completed image remains at the bottom of the screen so your child can have a quick glance down for guidance if needed. On finishing the puzzle a little tune is played as a reward. The pieces require a bit of fine motor work to get them into the right position on the page so this section is particularly useful for those who need to focus on fine motor areas.

       Colouring mode is the final section on the games option. My daughter and my son both loved this. I found this section to be very beneficial as it has so many options within it. There are six different images to choose from. There are seventeen different colours, five different brush/crayon strokes and three different ways of seeing the completed image to choose from. You can choose to allow your child to only see the painted image in such a way that then perceive themselves to have stayed within the outlines of the drawing when colouring, or you can let the child see the image as it is actually coloured , mistakes and all. You can also remove the black outline of the picture on completion , thus allowing the user to see the display of colours as they would look without the outline markings in place. The user can also save the image to the photo section of their iOS device by the touch of a button.

       The narration option of the app includes allowing your child to record their own voice and then play it back. They can re-record it over and over until they are satisfied .

      At the start of the app the developer has included the option of watching a short video clip which introduces the user to the rest of the Quirkles.

      Gilbert Gas is an excellent app for any child who loves to try out their own scientific experiments and who could also benefit from the teaching of phonics at the same time. I personally can not wait to try out more of the Quirkle collection of apps. Some may say that they are a little expensive, but I believe that they are worth every cent. Your child will benefit from hours of entertainment and learning from this action packed app. The illustrations are excellent and the games options included provide enormous amounts of educational value.

      If you would like to purchase the app now please though by using this link iTunes. The app currently retails at $9.99 in the US iTunes Store.

      To find out about the rest of The Quirkles science and literacy children's book series please visit their Facebook page or their website for more information.