Kids Geography is an iPhone app that will test the knowledge of even the most hardened geographer . It challenges the users knowledge in a multitude of areas related to both world geography and the geography of the United States. It requires iOS 5.1 or later to run, and is available in sixteen different languages English, Catalan, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, and Swedish.
If you would like to purchase the app please do so now via this link iTunes. It is currently priced at $0.99.
When I was asked to test this app by Sprima Inc. I was delighted. Being a geography major in college made me feel over confident and I was sure I would complete all the questions with ease. Reality soon kicked in and I realised that Kids Geography can be as much of a challenge for adults as well as kids. It has a very user friendly approach and is a fun activity for all the family to try out.
Kids Geography has two different categories to choose from , World Geography and USA Geography. Being Irish I decided to start with the World Geography option. It tests many different areas of geography that your child will learn at school including, physical , social and cultural .
The App teaches children to look at more broader areas of Geography than they would traditionally study in schools. It tests their knowledge of Capitals, landmarks. mountains, rivers and even currency of countries. My 10 year old son loved the challenges this app presented him with. He was pleasantly surprised at some of the answers he knew. It is amazing what the mind retains, sometimes with out us ever being aware of it's existence in our subconscious .

One of the things I like about this App is that it keeps track on screen of how many answers you got right. It also allows the user to skip a question if they don't know the answer without loosing 'points'. It gives instant recognition of any achievements made , which is important in working with children with special needs.
The other option available on this app is USA Geography. In this section I failed miserably as I am not that well versed in US geography. However I have to add that the challenge this posed added to my enjoyment of the app. I felt like I was learning something new , and was quite intrigued by some of the questions I came across. It looked at agriculture , State Capitals, rivers, borders etc. It proved to be a great learning tool for my son and I .
Kids Geography is a great educational App for adults as well as children. It is one the whole family can get involved in and test each others knowledge. It is particularly suitable for children with special needs as the constant reinforcements the app gives are a huge bonus for children who look for constant feedback on their performance. Anyone who has a love of Geography or trivia questions will enjoy this app. At $0.99 it is a bargain.
To find out more about Sprima Inc. and their apps please visit their Facebook page or website.