
Saturday, 24 November 2012

Trains - Byron Barton by Oceanhouse Media - Review

This app is designed for both iPhone and iPad
  • $0.99
  • Category: Books
  • Released: 14 November 2012
  • Version: 1.09
  • Size: 22.1 MB
  • Language: English
  • Seller: Oceanhouse Media, Inc.
Rated 4+
If you would like to purchase the app now please do so via this link iTunes

★ Special Introductory Price! ★
★ Selected in "Apps for Holiday Travel" - Lil Sugar Nov 2012
★ Selected in "5 Apps Your Kids will Love" - Mashable Nov 2012
Play with freight trains, electric trains and many other types of trains in this animated picture book about transportation. Move trucks, workers, tools, and other objects around the page and tap pictures to learn their names. Realistic sound effects and brightly colored illustrations will delight young readers and keep them coming back for more!

To promote reading in young children, individual words are highlighted as the story is read and words zoom up when pictures are touched.  By combining the original text and artwork with features that entertain and promote reading, this omBook appeals to readers of all ages.

This is another instalment in the Byron Barton books that focus on transportation. Other books in the series are Boats, Planes, and Trucks. Readers are able to learn more about the world of Trains by exploring the various types of locomotives that ride the rails as they are transported through the mountains, cities, country side and construction sites. Each scene allows the user to interact with the objects on the page. As objects are tapped words appear on the screen so the user is able to work on vocabulary and word recognition skills. Users are also able to move objects  in each scene. 
Every page in the book contains brilliantly coloured illustrations with bold black text that is highlighted as the professional narration reads the page. The illustrations are realistic as is the background audio that provides the user with all of the sights and sounds of riding the rails.

The simplistic layout of this book makes it a good tool for enhancing literacy skills for the early childhood population. It provides practice with vocabulary and word recognition skills in addition to learning to move left to right across a page while reading text. The brightly coloured pages, realistic background audio, and interactivity maintains the young users attention.

Additional apps by Oceanhouse Media can be seen on their Website Facebook Twitter

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